неділя, 20 грудня 2020 р.

Дистанційне навчання 10-A (18.11.2020)


Дистанційне навчання 10-A (18.11.2020)


Saturday, the eighteenth of  November

Theme: Walter Scott. Ivanhoe


Sir Walter Scott was born on August 15, 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Scott created and popularized historical novels in a series called the Waverley Novels. In his novels Scott arranged the plots and characters so the reader enters into the lives of both great and ordinary people caught up in violent, dramatic changes in history.

Scott’s work shows the influence of the 18th century enlightenment. He believed every human was basically decent regardless of class, religion, politics, or ancestry. Tolerance is a major theme in his historical works. The Waverley Novels express his belief in the need for social progress that does not reject the traditions of the past. He was the first novelist to portray peasant characters sympathetically and realistically, and was equally just to merchants, soldiers, and even kings.

Scott wrote frequently about the conflicts between different cultures. Ivanhoe (1791) deals with the struggle between Normans and Saxons, and the Talisman (1825) describes the conflict between Christians and Muslims. The novels dealing with Scottish history are probably Scott’s best. They deal with clashes between new commercial English culture and an older Scottish culture. Many critics rank “Old Mortality” (1816), “The Heart of Midlothian” (1819), and “St Ronan’s Well” (1824) as Scott’s best novels. Other works in the Waverley series include “Rob Roy” (1817), “A Legend of Montrose” (1819), and “Quentin Dunward” (1823).

Scott’s amiability, generosity, and modesty made him popular with his contemporaries. He was also famous for entertaining on a grand scale at his Scottish estate, Abbotsford.


"Find a mistake" - The time depicted in the work - XV century. (XII century.) - The work "Ivanhoe" belongs to the adventure novels, the founder of which is considered to be W. Scott (historical novel) - A historical work is a work that tells a lot of interesting things stories that happened to the characters. (- This is a novel based on historical events, reproduces in artistic form a certain era). - The epoch reflected in the novel is called the Renaissance (the Middle Ages). - In those distant times in England, the Norman Saxon feudal lords maintained friendly relations. (On the contrary, fought). - The King of England at that time was William the Lionheart - Saxon by birth. (King Richard the Lionheart, Norman). - The main character of the novel is the knight Athelstan. (Ivanhoe)

Honor - a certain moral status of a person, a certain standard of its evaluation according to belonging to a particular group of people - social, professional, national, age, which gives the right to honor, respect, recognition.

Dignity is a person's awareness of his value as a person in general, as a representative of humanity.

Duty is the moral awareness of a case that makes it a task for a person.

Compassion is a sensitive attitude to another's grief, to someone's experiences, the ability to share the joy and sorrow of another person, to pity her in pain and failure.

Charity is an active desire to help everyone in need.


Interview with the hero.

1. T. Your origin Son of the proud Saxon tan Cedric of Rotherwood antiquity and honor of its ancient family)

2. T. Why did your father kick you out of the house?

A (For love to Lady Rowena)

3. T. Who do you serve?

A. (King Richard the Lionheart)

4. T. Why doesn't your father like it?

A. (because Richard is a Norman, and Cedric defended everything Saxon and dreamed on the return to the English throne of the Saxons).

5. T. And why did you - the Saxons - go to serve the Norman Richard?

A. (I believe that peace is very important for my homeland, no conflicts. The people must live peacefully and happily. This requires a strong king. And so is Richard, even if he is a Norman).

6. T. Why did you decide to take part in the tournament in Ashby?

A. (If Athelstan won the tournament, Lady Rowena would have to marry him, I could not allow it)

7. T. Were you sure of your victory?

A. Yes, of course.

8. T. Why did you, still weak after the injury, rush to the rescue Kids?

A. (First, she helped me heal; second, she a woman in need of protection, thirdly, Bouagilbert is an evil that has be punished)

9. T. Explain your coat of arms.

A. (On my shield is a young oak with uprooted roots and the inscription "Desdichado" (Deprived of Inheritance). These signs are symbols of my chivalrous valor, and at the same time a rejection of my home).

10.T. Can you be considered the perfect person?

A. (No, I can't be proud of many things. But I always am wanted to help people, thought of his way to England. Maybe not everything worked out, but I tried)


Conclusion. Ivanhoe - the perfect knight. The literal and figurative meaning of the word knight coincide when it comes to him. Creating the image of Ivanhoe, Walter Scott reminds his contemporaries and you and me of the concepts that are most important for a noble man: honesty, justice, love of country, loyalty to a beautiful lady. Knightly spirit distinguishes a valiant warrior. He teaches to value honor more than one's own life, not to pay attention to all kinds of troubles, worries and sufferings, not to be afraid of anything but disgrace. The best reward for a knight is glory. It will immortalize the name of the hero.